Air Car range simulators

An Ediser innovation, the Air Car range driving simulator is an inflatable simulator that's easy to transport and perfectly suited to prevention workshops.
Simulateur de conduite gamme Air Car

Air Car range simulators

An Ediser innovation, the Air Car range driving simulator is an inflatable simulator that's easy to transport and perfectly suited to prevention workshops.
Simulateur de conduite gamme Air Car

    Do you run road safety and awareness workshops? Discover our range of inflatable driving simulators that will easily follow you wherever you go.
    • Features
    • Visual and audio environment
    • Dimensions and weight
    • 37 cm steering wheel with electric force feedback
    • 3 pedals (clutch, brake, accelerator)
    • 3-point ignition key
    • Combination switch unit for indicators, horn, parking lights, low beam and high beam lights
    • Combination switch unit for windscreen wipers
    • Hazard warning lights button
    • 5-speed gearbox + reverse gear
    • Electronic parking brake button
    • Indicator light and speedo in software
    • Keyboard holder
    caractéristiques simulateur de conduite gamme Air Car
    • 3 x 24-inch screens
    • Casque audio
    • Headphones
    • Soundscape (engine noise, starter, road noise, tyre noise, parking brake, indicators, engine speed, etc.)
    schéma dimension simulateur de conduite gamme air car
    • Length : 120 cm
    • Width : 70 cm
    • Height : 80 cm
    • Weight : 71 Kg
    schéma dimension simulateur de conduite gamme air car


    simulateur de conduite option siège


    Choose a driver's seat for greater comfort and a design that's close to the real thing.
    dédoubleur d'écran simulateur de conduite

    Dual screen

    Thanks to the dual screen option, you can project the content that appears on the driving simulator to help you manage your group training sessions.
    personnalisation housse simulateur de conduite Air Car

    Customised seat cover

    Choose the colour of the inflatable cover from a range of colours, and add your logo.


    Post‍-‍licence training

    Perfectionnement, partage de la route…


    Sensibilisation aux risques routiers pour tous les publics


    Conduite écologique, économique...

    Driving rehabilitation

    Rééducation, réhabilitation à la conduite…

    Your driving simulator in your colours

    Your own 100% customised driving simulator. Choose the colour of the inflatable cover and add your logo.

    personnalisation simulateur de conduite

    How profitable is your simulator ?

    What if, faced with the various problems you may encounter, the driving simulator was your solution? In just a few clicks, carry out a personalised study based on your criteria and data.

    rentabilité d'un simulateur de conduite

    Do you have a project, a need or a question ? Let‍'‍s discuss it together !

    Would you like to know more about our driving simulators, would you like a demonstration, or do you have a question ? Don’t hesitate to contact us !

    Contact us