The key to success

Students' success in their driving training is the result of safe learning adapted to the needs of each individual.
cours de conduite avec moniteur auto-école ayant une tablette

Confort Conduite driving school

The Confort Conduite driving school offers training for the B driving licence (initial training, young driver training, supervised training, etc.).

It is committed to the success and safety of its students. Confort Conduite’s main objective is to offer high-quality, transparent training, while giving as many people as possible access to their driving licence. Since 2021, it has been using an Ediser driving simulator from the Supra range.

The driving simulator is an essential tool for getting started in driving safely, and is ideal for people who are anxious by nature.

Yehia Miloudi, Confort Conduite driving school (France)

Tailored support

The driving simulator is tailored to each individual. It can be used to assess students as part of their driving assessment and to validate the initial skills involved in learning to drive.

Logiciel simulateur de conduite exercice d'évaluation de conduite

The benefits of driving simulation

Learning in complete safety
Helping people with anxiety
Meeting the first driving skills

Do you have a project, a need or a question ? Let‍'‍s discuss it together !

Would you like to know more about our driving simulators, would you like a demonstration, or do you have a question ? Don’t hesitate to contact us !

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Liberty Auto driving school

Towards greater profitability

#Category 1
Jeune homme apprenant à conduire une voiture avec son moniteur d'auto-école